Here’s how you can get started...
Plus some handy tips for successful fundraising!

Personalise your page
Put up a photo of yourself and share a little bit about why you have chosen to raise funds for Kidney Health Australia.

Make the first donation
People will be encouraged to see that you are supporting your own fundraiser by making the first donation. It doesn’t need to be a large gift—it’s more about the gesture of leading the way.

Share your page
Someone is more likely to support your fundraiser if you approach them directly. For as many people as you can, send a personal email or message. Once you’ve done that, try the broader approaches like posting a link to your page on social media.

Keep updating your target
If you hit your fundraising target, or you are close to reaching it – increase it!

Ask again!
People often need reminding, if you asked them once and they haven’t donated – ask again, they may have just forgotten and won’t begrudge a friendly reminder.

Say thank you
It’s really important that you thank the people who make donations on your page.
Our Top Tips
Set the date and invite your guests - Send out personal invites or create a facebook event with all the deets. Whatever you decide, it's important to get your invites out in plenty of time. Make sure you print or download our free invitation templates.
Spead the word- No matter how you’re hosting, make sure to share your fundraising page with friends and family via social media, ask everyone for donations - even if they’re unable to attend. Shout it from the rooftops! You might even inspire someone else to have their own Big Red BBQ, meaning you’ll be making an even bigger impact.
Decorate- Nothing says fun like decorations. Deck the place in red - use our posters and bunting. Add some streamers to get everyone in the mood. You could even make it fancy dress!
Host a raffle- This is a great way to assist with your fundraising.
Try a new recipe - Stuck for what to serve, Try one of our healthly, kidney friendly recipes

Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? Explore our FAQ's and find fast answers to your BBQ questions
How can I register my BBQ?
Click Host a BBQ and set up your fundraising page. Share with your friends, family and colleagues.
Once you have registered the Kidney Health Australia team will be in touch with some tips and tricks to assist with your fundraising and BBQ set up
How do I fundraise?
Never fear there are so many things you can do! We have some fundraising tips to get you started, or simply call us to have a brainstorm and a chat! We will begin sending you emails to give you fundraising tips along the way.
Is there a minimum amount to fundraise?
There is no minimum amount you need to raise. We would appreciate you to raise as much as you can. Every dollar will help us continue to combat kidney disease.
Setting a fundraising goal not only gives you something to aim and plan for, but will also encourage your family and friends to assist you in reaching your target
What if I don’t reach my goal?
Every dollar counts! If you’re worried about not reaching your goal, get in touch with us anytime by email or call us on 1800 454 363 ! We’re here to help with fundraising ideas and answer any questions you may have.
Should I send out invites to my BBQ?
Yes. Send out personal invites or create a facebook event with all the deets. Whatever you decide, it's important to get your invites our in plenty of time.
Make sure you print or download our free invitation tempates.
What do I do if I receive cash donations or a cheque?
The easiest thing is to make the payment yourself to your online page using your credit card with their cash. Remember to make it in the name of the person who donated though so they get the receipt.
If you do not want to pay donations online, or you receive a cheque please fill out the sponsorship document and follow the steps on the form to return it to us.
Where does the money raised go?
Funds raised will go towards people affected by kidney disease and ensure more Australians protect their kidney health. You can find more about our impact on the About page.
I am no good with technology. How do I share my fundraising page on Facebook?
It’s simple! When you log into your fundraising page you should see the Facebook logo. Just click on that icon and write what you would like to add.
You can also do it from your Facebook account. There you should see a box that asks you “What’s on your mind?” All you have to do is paste the link/URL that’s been emailed to you for your fundraising page into that box and copy and paste the text into the comments area.
Can people who donate get a tax deductible receipt?
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. Anyone who donates through your online fundraising page will automatically be emailed their receipt.
What promotional materials will be provided from Kidney Health Australia?
We can provide you with the following to help make your event successful:
- Digital promotional poster for your BBQ
- Social Media Tiles
- Bunting to decorate
- Invites
I've forgotten my username/and or password
f you’re trying to log in but you can't remember your password, click on the 'Forgot password?' link on the log in screen. Enter your email address and we’ll send you a link to reset your password.
I ordered an apron and it still hasn't arrived in the mail
Orders ship in 2-5 days from order date and take 7-10 days to deliver.
Order ship in 2-5 days from order date and take 7-10 days to deliver.
Please keep in mind with flooding in certain areas of Australia and the holiday period we could expect longer delivery times than usual.
Please email if your order still hasn't arrived in 14 day and we will invesigate the issue
If the fulfilment date is less than 10 days, explain due to flooding and the holiday period there is a slight delay with Australia Post. If they have not received their apron (by the 10 day point) please email and the team will investigate the matter.
*Please note over the Christmas period there will be delays. This is on the website when purchasing the apron.