We are the peak body for kidney health in Australia. For over 50 years, we have been providing trustworthy and up-to-date resources and support to help people manage their kidney health.
We strive to create a healthier community through increased awareness and early detection of kidney disease. We connect kidney patients to vital resources and services to help them manage their condition and achieve a better quality of life.

Key Challenges

On average 66 people die every day with kidney related disease
90% of kidney function can be lost without any symptoms – it is a silent killer
There is no cure – dialysis or a kidney transplant are the only treatment options

1.8 million people in Australia are unaware they have the early markers of kidney disease
1 in 5 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders have indicators for kidney disease
1 in 6 hospitalisations are for kidney disease or complications relating to it
Your impact

Support at every stage
Your hard work will mean that people diagnosed with kidney disease are not alone on their journey. By fundraising, you will support the Kidney Helpline and Resource Hub ensuring people have somewhere to turn to for trusted and reliable information.

Life-changing services
Your fundraising will help us fund life-changing services like the Big Red Kidney Buses, providing holiday dialysis; the Kidney Transplant Houses, providing somewhere to stay during kidney transplant; and the Kidney Kids and youth Program, providing specialist support to children and youth living with kidney disease.

Research that transforms the future
Your fundraising will help us fund research into better treatments and one day a cure, helping to transform the future of kidney disease.
Who you will be supporting
I have diabetic kidney disease. I developed type 1 diabetes at the age of 8, almost 9.
When I experienced pre-eclampsia during two pregnancies in my early 30s, I began having problems related to my kidneys.I was huge with fluid retention, but I managed to produce two healthy children.
Since then, I have been referred to a renal specialist and started medication to slow the progress of my renal failure. I eventually needed permanent dialysis, and have been on dialysis for four years now.
I am currently undergoing tests to asses my suitability for a kidney transplant.
This May I was also lucky to have my first long  holiday for the first time in four years. I booked a 2 week trip with the Big Red Kidney Bus to Bright, Victoria.
Linda - 60

I was born with just one kidney that only worked at about 50%. This was due to a large 1 kilo tumour that began growing before I was born, and the intensive chemotherapy that I had to endure as a result.
In 2012, I started experiencing kidney failure due to the damage my kidney had endured over the course of my life.
However, In 2015, my Dad Brendon was finally able to donate a kidney to me. The kidney transplant went well.
A year to the day of the transplant, dad and I did a triathlon!
Harry - 14

I have stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease so Kidney Health Australia is a foundation close to my heart. They were very supportive and helpful when I was diagnosed. Sending me booklets and information they couldn’t have been more helpful.
People don't realise how important our kidneys are or what happens when they stop working. We need to continue to raise awareness and get the message out there!
Nicole - 30