
Kidney Kar Rally 2024

We are raising money to improve the lives of kid’s living with kidney disease.

Peter was diagnosed with a rare condition called FSGS and had his first transplant at the age of seven. He knows how hard it can be to live with kidney disease, but it was something later in life that completely floored him.

When his daughter, Lorelei was eight years old, she developed puffy eyes, as well as a swollen tummy and legs. Sadly, she also had the same rare condition and would require a transplant.

Peter was racked with guilt, he felt like it was his fault, even though he could not have known. A genetic link has only recently come to light. When Peter and Jennifer started a family, they had no idea there was any risk.   

Thankfully a donor match was found for Lorelei. Lorelei could have the life-saving kidney transplant she’d been waiting for. After two months in hospital, she came home, and family life returned to something closer to normal.

The Kidney Kar Rally helps support kids like Lorelei by raising funds for our Kids and Youth Program. She is now 14 and recently attended a Kidney Es-Capers event in Sydney with her family where she had the opportunity to connect with her peers.

Let’s leave kidney disease in the dust! Your sponsorship or donation is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Auction Item 2023


Dean Vandullemen


Inox Lubricants

Have a ripper time! Proud to be involved for such a brilliant cause. Best of luck! 🏁🚗💨 - The INOX Team


Craig Ian Hann

Safe travels guys!!


Db Cylinder Heads

All the best mate. From DB Cylinder Heads


Michael K73

Good work, have fun guys!!


Cryofin Pty Ltd


Bright Waves Swim School


Elizabeth Benn

Go little Betsy. Enjoy the ride.


Bct Group .


Flexi Personnel Australia Pty Ltd


Andrew Meddings

Good Luck!


Prison Break Cafe

Go team!


Dragon Diesel

Have fun boys! Stay safe Dakin Thexton




Rick And Wonnie Bartley

All the best keep up the great work 👍


John Mckenry

Keep doing the Great Work, absolute Legends



Good work Farmer






Try & Keep her on the road this year Jason Hammond.


Ann Rasmussen


Duncan Benn


Rita Boyle

On behalf of Hoppers Stoppers. Thanks guys for your great support


Mark Sass

Good on you guys ! Great effort .


Allan Robinson


Dat Tools

Great work guys!



Thanks mate, see ya in August. :)


Aaron Mantini



Alan Clark

Have fun



Love ya TikTok even when you’re a cranky bastard



All the best guy's


Facebook Donation


Aussie Bloke

Prompted to by Jason , cheers 🙂👍


Tim Holt