Gabe Cramb

Red Socks Run 2023

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

Gabe's Red Socks Walk for Kidney Health

This October, I’m going to walk 100km for the Red Socks Run for Kidney Health.

Earlier this year I had a kidney transplant, which has changed my life, and I'm so grateful that I am now able to do this challenge. I'm hoping to raise awareness of kidney disease as well as some money for research and patient services.

Kidney disease is on the rise and it's possible to lose up to 90% of your kidney function before you have any symptoms. 1450 Australian's are currently on the waiting list for a kidney transplant and 66 people lose their life to kidney disease every day.

If you can spare a few dollars, I hope you'll consider donating to my page. Any support is much appreciated!

My Achievements

You're a registered Sockstar

Raised $250

Raised $500

Created a team

Half way to KMs

Reached KMs Goal

Logged first fitness activity

Created a Blog Post

My Updates


Monday 23rd Oct

Yesterday, with the help of some gorgeous friends, I completed my 100km walk for Kidney Health. After living with renal failure and then having a kidney transplant in February, I feel so grateful that I now have the energy and ability to do this. Big thanks to the family and friends who have supported me along the way and to everyone who donated to my Red Socks Run fundraiser. We have raised over $5000 which is incredible!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Melissa Gallagher



Amazing Gabe - Inspiring and Brave as always


Katie And Dan Clark

Go Gabe -


Pitc-bold Crew

Go Crambster! Super proud!


The Perkos

So proud of you my darling friend



Good luck Gabe, a fantastic cause. You’re a legend


Sharda Strathearn


Liz & Danny

You're an inspiration Gabe! Love you! Good luck with your walk - what a wonderful cause! Much Love Liz & Danny x


Peta And Ado

Yeah Gabe! Cheering you on this amazing walk.


Jo Mitchell

You’ve got this 🥰


Rachel Blackley

Amazing effort, good luck Gabe! xx


In Hearts Wake



Janne Scott

Glad you’re alive Jiggy G Xx


Monique Mcinnes



love you Gabe - such a legend ❤️



Go Gabe!! <3


Elise Huntley

So freakin proud of you Gabe and Nuske…the bond and gift you share is something so special. Here’s to living an amazing life


Dianne Nielsen

Thinking of you Gabe every step of the way until till you reach your goalx


Penny Cramb

So stoked that the transplant has been a success and you are healthy and well again x


Gabe Cramb


Janelle And Drew

Go Gabe, you lovely legend


Matched By

Richard Muirhead, Gaudry Foundation, KHQ Lawyers, GB Galvanising, Apex Club of Ulverstone, Prof Karen Dooley, Tony Dunning, Dorothy Price, Ashan Zafar, Geoff Stein, Takashi & Risha Fujii, Guy Earnshaw


Sarah Jane Walsh

Lace ya’ Gabe…sj


Carney Nir

Go Gabe! X



Congrats Gabe! xx


Aimee Catt




You’re incredible Gabe!


Jo (mccosker)

You are amazing Gabe! I didn’t know about this - so glad to hear you are well. Lots of love to you xxxx


Jodie Ince

Amazing fundraiser Gabe. What an inspiration you are to so many. Sending our love and good vibes. Jodie, Eric & Hendrix xxx



You're an inspiration Gabe x


Matched By

Richard Muirhead, Gaudry Foundation, KHQ Lawyers, GB Galvanising, Apex Club of Ulverstone, Prof Karen Dooley, Tony Dunning, Dorothy Price, Ashan Zafar, Geoff Stein, Takashi & Risha Fujii, Guy Earnshaw


Fiona Duncan

You’re incredible Gabe - on so many levels.



Great cause!! Go Gabe x


Evan Davis

Incredible effort Gabe !!! Hope this small donation can help the legs ticking over !!! Evan


Johnny Mullen

Big love Gabe!


Matched By

Richard Muirhead, Gaudry Foundation, KHQ Lawyers, GB Galvanising, Apex Club of Ulverstone, Prof Karen Dooley, Tony Dunning, Dorothy Price, Ashan Zafar, Geoff Stein, Takashi & Risha Fujii, Guy Earnshaw


Emma Thornton

Woohoo Go Gabe xx


Angie Scott



Matched By

Richard Muirhead, Gaudry Foundation, KHQ Lawyers, GB Galvanising, Apex Club of Ulverstone, Prof Karen Dooley, Tony Dunning, Dorothy Price, Ashan Zafar, Geoff Stein, Takashi & Risha Fujii, Guy Earnshaw


Katy And Frank

Awesome Gabe!



Go Gabey! x


Joc Curran

Always walking with you darling xo also you rock the red socks !!!



Great work! Inspirational. Xx


Zoe Davis

Go Gabe! x


Kee Family

Best wishes to you. Xx


The Vgs

Smash that goal Gabe x


Amelia Axford

Go Gabe!


Alyssa Ivery

Go Gabe. Love you lots x


Therese Begley

You are amazing Gabe! Keep walking and having fun! Xx


Melanie And The Profit Lovers

Go Gabe!!!


Megan Reeder Hope

Great work Gabe. You are an inspiration!


Clare Mcgregor

Go you good thing ❤️


Francine Murphy

Well done Gabe


Matched By

Richard Muirhead, Gaudry Foundation, KHQ Lawyers, GB Galvanising, Apex Club of Ulverstone, Prof Karen Dooley, Tony Dunning, Dorothy Price, Ashan Zafar, Geoff Stein, Takashi & Risha Fujii, Guy Earnshaw



WAHOOOO go Gabe! X



Go, you wonderful woman 💕


Donna Kelly



Go Gabe!


Matched By

Richard Muirhead, Gaudry Foundation, KHQ Lawyers, GB Galvanising, Apex Club of Ulverstone, Prof Karen Dooley, Tony Dunning, Dorothy Price, Ashan Zafar, Geoff Stein, Takashi & Risha Fujii, Guy Earnshaw


Justin Ma

Kick ass


Bianca Holderness

Absolute legend!!