My Red Socks Walk (and Knit) for Kidney Health
This October, I’m going to Red Socks Run (well, actually walk) as life depends on it.
By walking 60km throughout the month, I want to raise awareness of the 60 hours that people affected by kidney disease need to spend on dialysis each month.
I’ll also be knitting a pair of red socks, as people on dialysis often struggle to keep warm. Knitting is also an important part of managing my mental health as I deal with my own kidney disease.
As many of you know, kidney disease is a thread that runs throughout my family. This month marks three years since my Mum passed at just 62 due to the complications of polycystic kidney disease. Her father was only 51 when he passed away following a kidney transplant.
Unfortunately, my own journey with kidney disease is progressing much faster than I had hoped, and I will most likely be joining the 13,000+ Australians on dialysis within the next 1 to 2 years.
Please donate to my page to raise funds for research into life-saving treatments, and provide support to individuals and families affected by kidney failure.
YOU can make a difference – join me and help create a future where kidney health is a priority for all Australians.
My Activity Tracking
My target 60 kms
Thank you to my Sponsors

Andrew Marshallsay


Louise Walmsley
XXXX Love you

Taigum Child Edu Care

Caroline Grierson
So proud of your fundraising efforts, Jess! You are a superstar!!!! 🌟 ❤️ 💪

Terry Townsend


Tiffany Cheng
Sending lots of love xx

Rebecca Marshallsay

Friends Of Hallett Cove Conservation Park
Thanks to Andrew from the Friends of HCCP for his many hours of volunteering.


Lucy Marshallsay

Kristy Sanderson
You’re a superstar Jess. ❤️

Jon And Julie Marshallsay

Elissa Pearson

Anne Sweet

Liz H
So proud of you... Sending positive support from us all and pawsitive support from Mr Teddy!

Matched By
Gaudry Foundation and KHQ Lawyers

Best wishes for the walking and knitting. Hand knit socks are the best!

Liz E
Sending love and encouragement from Dash, Poco, Minky and I!

Tessa Ewens
I'm sorry to hear of your mums passing Jess. I'm sending you best wishes for a successful walk, and may your red socks be cozy.

Jodie S
Go Jessica!


Lucy Gillam
Big hugs and love to you, my amazing friend xxx

Elizabeth Mcdonald

Bel S

Tara Faehrmann
Thank you for sharing your story, Jess. So proud of you and everything you do xx

Matched By
Gaudry Foundation and KHQ Lawyers

Maria Velasco
Kidney disease is also very close to our family. Its a small amount but I hope that a cure and more can be done for people and families impacted by Kidney Disease. xx Cheering you on!!

Missy Burrell
I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your mum Jessica 💕 I have PKD also and think you are doing a wonderful job to raise awareness and funds.

Chris Gloyn
Your Mum is truly missed.