Kidney Kar Rally has been a long-term supporter of the Kidney Kids and Youth programs.
The Kidney Kids and Youth Program provides young people opportunities to connect with others like them, build strong support networks, and develop confidence and self-esteem to manage their condition.
- Kidney Es-Capers: providing families opportunity to meet and develop life-long connections
- Kidney Kids Camp: providing kidney kids and their siblings a four-day residential camp to make friends and learn more about kidney health
- Kidney Youth Champions: providing Peer Support and Mentoring
- Kidney Knowledge Centre: providing specialised resources and information to manage kidney disease diagnosis and treatment
Children with Chronic Kidney Disease or kidney failure face many physical, emotional and psychological challenges, which can include:
- interpersonal relationship problems
- feelings of social isolation
- behaviour and learning problems
- delayed language skills development
- delayed motor skills development
- a negative self-image
Rezwan - Youth Champion
Rezwan is a Youth Champion and has attended Es-Capers events and a Kidney Kids Camp.
Rezwan was just two years old when he was diagnosed with kidney failure. He was born with CKD, however this wasnt diagnosed until he was able to move to Australia with his family. After one kidney was removed and the other began to fail, Rezwan needed to be on dialysis for 3 years whilst he waited for a transplant. While on dialysis he found it difficult to travel, study and participate in the same activities his friends of the same age were doing. Luckily, Rezwan was able to recieve a transplant with his rare blood type and has since built a health, happy lifestyle.
After being told he wasn't able to play soccer anymore for the risk of damaging his kidneys, he was invited to play Badminton after school. He now loves the sport, is a regular member of his local club and has won medals at the Transplant Games for his efforts!
After attending Kidney Kids Camp and Rezwan now wants to raise awareness and teach children living with kidney disease that everything will be ok.
Rezwan was just two years old when he was diagnosed with kidney failure. He was born with CKD, however this wasnt diagnosed until he was able to move to Australia with his family. After one kidney was removed and the other began to fail, Rezwan needed to be on dialysis for 3 years whilst he waited for a transplant. While on dialysis he found it difficult to travel, study and participate in the same activities his friends of the same age were doing. Luckily, Rezwan was able to recieve a transplant with his rare blood type and has since built a health, happy lifestyle.
After being told he wasn't able to play soccer anymore for the risk of damaging his kidneys, he was invited to play Badminton after school. He now loves the sport, is a regular member of his local club and has won medals at the Transplant Games for his efforts!
After attending Kidney Kids Camp and Rezwan now wants to raise awareness and teach children living with kidney disease that everything will be ok.

Isabelle & Charlotte - Kidney Kids
Isabelle and Charollote are sisters who both suffer from CKD. Both have attended the Kidney Kids Camp and Es-Capers events.
Isabelle was diagnosed at 6 weeks old and Charlotte less than 24 hours after her birth. Both of them were required to send long stints in hospital, sometimes being there for up to 8 weeks. Renee, their mum describes the unknowns around every corner of the journey as very difficult, making holidays harder to plan, work harder to schedule and social plans for themselves and the kids harder to organise. Isabelle and Charlotte have both been very brave in the face of adversity and remain hopeful for transplants in their future.
Renee says the Kidney Kids Camps were "one thing every year that they could all look forward too and something that we always used during hospital admissions to look back on or look forward too whilst recovering."
"Living a life either as the one with kidney disease or the family of the person with kidney disease is really difficult and the supports and options that Kidney Health Australia offer us make us actually be able to live a life."
Isabelle was diagnosed at 6 weeks old and Charlotte less than 24 hours after her birth. Both of them were required to send long stints in hospital, sometimes being there for up to 8 weeks. Renee, their mum describes the unknowns around every corner of the journey as very difficult, making holidays harder to plan, work harder to schedule and social plans for themselves and the kids harder to organise. Isabelle and Charlotte have both been very brave in the face of adversity and remain hopeful for transplants in their future.
Renee says the Kidney Kids Camps were "one thing every year that they could all look forward too and something that we always used during hospital admissions to look back on or look forward too whilst recovering."
"Living a life either as the one with kidney disease or the family of the person with kidney disease is really difficult and the supports and options that Kidney Health Australia offer us make us actually be able to live a life."