DART Red Socks Run for Kidney Health.
This October, we're going to Red Socks Run as life depends on it.
By running, walking, or riding 60km, we want to raise awareness of the 60hrs that people affected by kidney failure need to spend on dialysis each month.
Please donate to our page to raise funds for research into life-saving treatments, and provide support to individuals and families affected by kidney failure.
YOU can make a difference – Join us and help create a future where kidney health is a priority for all Australians.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Anne Hegerty

Diane Verson

Nicole O Connor
Good luck Jenny!!!

Nathalie Feynerol
Go go go Karen ! Je suis si fière de toi !

Sonja Pajagic
Very worthy cause. Glad you got the support needed to come out the other side shining Jenny xx

Cally And Brian Ellis
Best wishes Jenny. I know you'll do it..

Claire Wildekamp
Happy to support such a great cause Jenny, good luck with the walk 😘

Chris Walsh
Love you sweetheart xx

Matched By
Gaudry Foundation and KHQ Lawyers

Rosemarie Tindall
Good luck ..

Messina Maria

Daisy Coulson
Wishing you all the best xxx 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Jon & Mandy Williams
Great work Shaun, keep those steps a coming 👏

Rhonda Camilleri
Good on you Jen for raising money

Carol Hargreaves
Good luck for the walk Jenny xx

Harry Banken
Well done.

Phil Etheridge
Well done Shaun.

Lainey ❤️
Well done Jen. You've got this

Michelle & Ray
Well done Karen. You are a champion. From Ray & Michelle Hazelden.


Jenny Robinson

Caroline Robertson
Well done on doing this Jenny.

Sue Shadbolt

Judy Clarke
Well done xxx

Lorraine Weyman
You’re an inspiration x

Matched By
Gaudry Foundation and KHQ Lawyers

Janet Leerson
A very worthwhile cause which i know is very relevant to you.

Well done dad

Neridah Zagdanski

Bruce Elsholz
Hope this helps.

Best of luck with the walk Karen!

Wayne Boston
Well done mate for your ongoing contribution to this great cause.

Rob Meyer

Jacqui & Alan
Go girl 🎉

They saved your life my friend. It’s a no-brainer!

Roy Gillespie
Well done Johno

Facebook Donation

Cally Nelson
You are an inspiration. Great cause and I know how personal it is. ❤️

Ruth Midgley
Hope our donation helps. Love Ruth and Chris x

So happy they found you a your match. You go girl!

Julie-anne B

John Dane-stewart

Well done Karen!!


Good Luck Johnno

Justine Astone
You go gurl xx

Matched By
Gaudry Foundation and KHQ Lawyers

Yvonne Berridge
Go girlfriend!!!

Estelle Hottes
Best of luck Karen!

Sharon H
All the best in completing this Karen - I know it won’t be easy but your Yorkshire grit will get though - I know how important this is to you, best of luck xx

Susan Berridge
Go cuzzie - you can do this!!

Ryn Chuah
You go girl 👏

Facebook Donation

Angela Falco

Jude Dodd
Hello. Wishing you all the luck and fun with the walking. ❤️

Leonie D
All the best Karen xx

Sam Clarke
Go Jenny !

Helen Dann
Good luck Karen

Well done Jenny!

Marianne Holzherr

Matched By
Gaudry Foundation and KHQ Lawyers

You got this 😘
Go girl!