My Red Socks Run for Kidney Health
This October, I’m going to Red Socks Run as life depends on it.
By running, walking, or riding 60km I want to raise awareness of the 60hrs that people affected by kidney disease need to spend on dialysis each month.
Please donate to my page to raise funds for research into life-saving treatments, and provide support to individuals and families affected by kidney failure.
YOU can make a difference – Join me and help create a future where kidney health is a priority for all Australians.
My Activity Tracking
My target 60 kms
My Updates

It’s that time of year again
Friday 4th Oct Hi everyone,Thank you to my Sponsors

Anwar Gayed

John & Sylvia
Hang in there George.

L:ynne Ashbolt

Mark Walsh

Pauline And John
Great work for a good cause. Well done.

Buona fortuna George

Kate Eadie

Kerry Helmers
I am sorry for the hardships you face George. I also congratulate you on your community spirit.

Catherine Heffernan
good on you George, raising awareness and also how courageously you face your everyday challenges!

Alace Joksimovich

Stuart Tori

Stay stong George. This is a great cause you are fund-raising for.

Jackie B
Well done, keep it up George!

James Biggins
Well done mate

Moira Oates
Good luck George, and good on you for taking up the challenge to fund raise.

George Kastanas

Tracy D'souza
So proud of you George!!! Keep you the good work!

Sue And Bill Mcguinness
Good luck George

Michael Ambrose Mikic

Kara Frost
Good on you George!!

Well done George. Cheers Simon