The Importance of Red Socks Run
With 1.8 million Australians unaware they’re living with signs of kidney disease, your support has never been more critical.
Kidney disease can affect anyone at any time and is still a life-long incurable disease. With most of the signs of kidney disease going unnoticed until the kidneys are close to failure, finding out you have kidney disease can often be too late.
By joining us this October, you can help bring awareness to kidney disease and raise much needed funds.
So, get on your feet, pull up your socks, and Red Socks Run 60km for kidney health.
How It Works
Register as an individual, team or business.
Set your goals
Choose your km's and set your fundraising goal!
Tell your friends and family! Ask them to join you or make a donation.
Get ready to save lives
Track your km's and fundraising, and run like a life depends on it for the month of October.

Why do we wear Red Socks?
Currently, there is no cure for kidney disease. Once diagnosed with kidney failure, many people will spend long periods of time undertaking dialysis.
Australians undergoing dialysis spend an average of 60 hours per month strapped to a machine that cleans their blood.
Although it’s a life-saving treatment the aftermath can leave people feeling extremely fatigued, unwell, dizzy and nauseous. Whilst on dialysis, a person's body will get very cold, particularly their feet.
So, this October let your ankles do the talking and wear your Red Socks to show people living with kidney disease you care.
Red Socks Run Sponsor
We are thrilled to have CSL Seqirus as an official sponsor for this year’s Red Socks Run. Kidney disease can affect anyone at any time and is still a life-long incurable disease. We are delighted to have CSL Seqirus stand with us to combat kidney disease, and we thank them for their ongoing support and commitment to the kidney community.

Kidney Disease Stats in Australia

On average, 66 people die a day with kidney disease

1 in 10
1 in 10 Australians have signs of kidney disease. This increased to 1 in 5 in First Nations Australians

90% of kidney function can be lost without any symptoms

1 in 6
1 in 6 Hospitalisations are kidney disease related
Remember, it’s your race at your pace. Whether you choose to run, walk or ride the 60km in October, you’ll be helping to raise awareness and funds for kidney disease.